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Advocacy and Training Alliance is committed to being an ongoing resource, reference and guide for the professional treatment community. If you do not find the answer you need, please contact us and we will be in touch promptly.

We are excited to announce that Advocacy and Training Alliance transitioned to an all-electronic environment. We believe that this transition will provide greater ease in the re-credentialing process and improve our overall communications to our partners and to the community at large. The changes to this process are like the systems for most behavioral health licensure renewals and will have several advantages and ease of use features.

  1. Renewal of listing/application will be due by November 1st of each even year- starting in 2018. This will keep mental health licensure and credentials on the same year cycles.
  2. A processing fee of $75 (CSAYC) and $50 (CSAYP) is due November 1st, each even-numbered year.
  3. Certificates will be mailed to all who complete the renewal process, pay the respective fee, and are approved for renewal. The membership page will reflect renewed credentialed providers by December 15th on each even-numbered year
  4. Duplicate certificates will be issued at a $25 fee.
  5. Through the renewal process, you will have the opportunity to attest for the 20 hours of required CEUs. There is a process of randomly selected continuing education reviews to verify required training.

Where do I send my CEU certificates?

Certificates are for your records and will only need to be submitted if you are audited.  It is required that licensees maintain copies of their CEU records for a period of four (4) years in the event they are audited by the Board

What if I do not complete the new online credentialing?
Advocacy and Training Alliance is utilizing this online launch to place all providers on the same renewal cycle.  At this time, all providers MUST complete the online listing.  As part of the listing, you can choose to be public or hidden on the directory website.

What if I do not want my information public on the website?

As part of the directory listing application, you will have an option to opt-out of the public seeing your information.  All information provided on the directory listing will be reviewed by Advocacy and Training Alliance to ensure the privacy of those who request.

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